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Taking this moment to thank all who have fallen in love with the Knights&Armours blog, literally engaging yourself by means of commenting or even contacting me for more posts.  Your excitement and eagerness most definitely fuels me in more ways than one.  For that my appreciation goes beyond words.  Equally special are those who have been personally reaching out to me for custom orders on accessories that I blogged about in the past.  Back in late November/early December, I decided to forge forward with adding certain pieces to the K&A brand that would not only please the stylish and playful palette with hints of fun, bold and subtle pieces, but would also form representatives of a stylish community who believe in progress.  A community of individuals who are advocates of positivity and demonstrates it with each thought and step we take.  As I mentioned before there is more to a Knight than simply looking the part.  So for the curious minded, I leave you with some photos(IPhoneography) of sample pieces for the collection.  Don’t hesitate to check back to this post.  Additional pieces will be added as we move deeper into the month.  Ironically the majority of these photos shown below are for the women’s collection (as I was asked by many friends not to neglect the greater gender!!).

More importantly, I am looking for suggestions on a well known and reputable charity that serves the less fortunate.  Contact me or tweet me with ideas as giving back will be a strong element to the Knight&Armours movement.